Thursday, July 22, 2010

Transfer Day!

This is an image of two 8 cell embryos on a day 3 transfer. (they are not ours)

So today was the transfer day, we got to the clinic at 10:30 as we were directed and I had a full bladder from drinking 1L of water the hour before. Our OR time was 11am, but they had an emergency earlier that day and were behind with the OR times. So we waited and waited.....I have NEVER HAD TO PEE SO BADLY in my life. When it was our turn they got me on the table and the ultrasound tech checked my bladder and then says "Its too full" she then hands me a Styrofoam cup and say fill this one and a half times then come back. This is not an easy task when you have been waiting to go for almost 2 hours!

So they transferred 2 perfect 8 cell embryos! The nurse then says to me "You are now pregnant until proven otherwise"....this is a weird thought. We still have 6 embryos growing in the lab and then on Monday they will be frozen if they are strong enough!

So here is to 2 beautiful embryos grabbing on and making my uterus their home for 9 months before they come and meet their mommy & daddy.
Keep those prayers coming!