Saturday, July 17, 2010

Quick Update

My egg retrieval is Monday at 9 am. So we need to be at the clinic by 7:30 am to get everything set up and get me medicated! :) Today I had 18 follicles so we are hoping that they are all good quality and size to be fertilized. This also means that the embryo transfer is Thursday....and then the dreaded wait time to see if it worked or not.

Today is the first day that my body really doesn't feel like my own, I have heard friends who are pregnant say that but today I understand. I feel heavy and sorta lumpy, in that i can't bend certain ways because I am so bloated.

So tonight we do the HCG injection and then get some sleep!! Tomorrow is a needle free day! YEAH! I start my antibiotics and get some rest as well as drink lots of Gatorade.
One more day down and a few left to go! I will post some pictures tomorrow if I can of all the meds we were using.
