Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 3

So I am one injection in (from last night) and already feeling like I am losing my head. I would say that I feel today like I did at the end of the last cycle. I can go from feeling totally normal to so bloody angry in the blink of an eye. Nothing has changed and nobody is around.....I just feel crazy!

I am SO blessed to have an AMAZING, WONDERFUL husband who can make me laugh even when I am crying, he is patient with me and as I have said does all my injections (which I am afraid of) but he is a calm, supportive energy and gets me through them each one at a time. I also have an amazing group of women that I met long ago on an infertility support board, we went from there to a private board to now on Facebook. Through the years some have had their babies and some of us are still waiting and trying but we are close and supportive and really really truly get what the others are going through. This is an amazing and unique thing to have during this process.

When feeling so nuts today and worrying about how I am going to cope with these crazy emotions without hurting anyones feelings I asked the girls for tips on how to get through this. One of them posted this as advice...I am posting it here to be able to read it daily.

"I've made a science out of trying to stay in control when you feel like the incredible hulk- ready to bust at the seams at any given moment. Okay so, no. You will not be able to get rid of it- but there are a few things that will help you "ride the waves".

First, remember to tell yourself that you are NOT INSANE. This is not your fault, and its just your body looking for a way to balance out the extra hormones. The more hormonal you are- the more the meds are working for you.

Second, stay away from people if you feel like it. I know that may not be totally realistic, but its better not to worry that you might snap at an inappropriate time. People who are close to you- make sure they understand and are ready to be forgiving.

Third, write. Keep a journal. It helps to have an outlet for the emotions,

When you are feeling your worst, take a few minutes behind closed doors and recite this to yourself "this is just the hormones, I am not crazy. I just need to cry and let it out. Every breath I take will level it out a little more. This is all part of the process. I can get through this. "

So this is the start of this journey and I am finding that the blog is therapeutic in a way. Here is to another needle tonight and feeling a bit better tomorrow!