I thought today that I would post about IVF its self as many of you may know a little about it but not as detailed as what we are dealing with.....this procedure comes after many many tests, procedures and investigation of why we are dealing with infertility. Here is an overview of the IVF process.(There are a few variations depending on the doctor and clinic- this is ours)
First -- The stimulation medication is self administered on a daily basis starting on cycle day 3(in my case Ryan does it) This is usually an injectable FSH hormone. On day 5 onward I go for blood work to check hormone levels daily as well as internal ultrasounds to monitor the growth of the follicles daily. When the first follicle reaches 1.8 a second injectable medication is given daily as well. This medication is an antagonist which stops the body from ovulating on its own. It gives the DR full control of my cycle.
Second -- When the follicles have matured and there are many of them the right size the another injection is given 36 hours before the egg retrieval. This is the HCG injection and it matures the follicles completely. (Follicles are the "case" of the eggs)
Third -- The egg retrieval (minor surgery) This procedure is performed under conscious sedation and although I am conscious, a combination of medications is given to keep me comfortable and relaxed. An internal ultrasound probe is placed in the vagina and mature follicles are identified. They mount a needle on the side of the probe and its guided through the wall of the vagina and into each of the follicles that are viewed on the ultrasound. The follicles containing the egg is then aspirated into culture tubes to be fertilized shortly. The follicle is then viewed by the laboratory staff for the egg.
Fourth -- A semen sample is provided shortly before egg retrieval. The sample is assessed, appropriately processed and placed into the culture dish containing the eggs. Approximately 20 hours later, fertilization is assessed.
Fifth -- The fertilized eggs (now called embryos) are cultured under strict conditions and examined carefully on a daily basis to assess their progress.
Sixth -- Embryo transfer procedure is a simple and painless procedure. No anesthesia is required. I have to drink 2 or more glasses of water an hour before the procedure so that my bladder is full. This is important so they can see where they are placing the embryos in the uterus. A speculum is placed into the vagina and the cervix brought into view by the physician. The embryos are loaded into a catheter in the laboratory and the catheter is passed through the cervix into the uterus and the embryos are deposited inside the uterus.
Lastly -- After 13 - 15 days a pregnancy test is done.
Hope this helps a little as to what we are dealing with and going through! Thank you for all your love and support! We are very blessed to have family and friends that we do!!